An unnecessary surplus of rules, regulations, and limitations have barred many Floridians from attaining stable, well-paying jobs and pursuing their ambitions for years. These restrictions often disproportionately affect those with criminal records and those with low-income, and prevent those individuals from bettering their lives.

Luckily, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has recently taken a step to limit these restrictions and improve the job market for countless individuals. DeSantis recently signed The Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act (also known as HB 1193), which reduces restrictions on licensure and decreases regulations on training, continued education, and jurisdiction to practice certain occupations.

This long-anticipated bill will save innumerable time and money for thousands of Florida citizens. The bill reduces the amount of training and education it takes to acquire a license for several professions (barbers and cosmetologists) and eliminates the licensure requirement altogether for certain occupations (interior designers and timekeepers). The bill also reduces, and in some cases eliminates, continued education requirements for certain professions, including public accountants and electrical contractors.

It is estimated that the bill will save applicants and license holders approximately $1,446,318 in the next two fiscal years and reduce state expenditures by roughly $58,680. Aside from money, the large regulatory burden for applicants and state agencies will be greatly reduced as unnecessary applications are made obsolete.

The Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act will greatly benefit Floridians in their search for well-paying, fulfilling careers that meet and exceed their ambitions. Individuals affected by lower income and previous criminal records will be met with fewer restrictions.

Your criminal record should never hold you back from meeting your aspirations. Get in touch with our record-cleaning experts to see if you are eligible for an expunction today!

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