If there’s anyone whose life shouldn’t be determined by a criminal record, it’s minors. Children should not be branded delinquents because of minor offenses, especially considering the fact that kids are more likely to make mistakes without considering the consequences.

Florida’s 7th Judicial Circuit apparently agrees, as they’ve introduced a new program that will ensure complaints against juveniles are forwarded to the State Attorney’s Office, so that these kids will receive civil citations instead of criminal records.

A spokesman for State Attorney R.J. Larizza remarked that the goal was to have at least 80% of eligible cases handled as civil citations—these juveniles will be diverted towards treatment and mentoring programs rather than the criminal justice process. This will free up law enforcement to deal with more pressing issues, as well as lighten the load of clerical records for local courthouses.

Though juveniles who are arrested do not qualify for the changes, this is a productive way to ensure that kids do not have a difficult path as they grow into adults. It’s common knowledge that criminal records can follow kids into adulthood, so ensuring that they have mere citations will protect their economic, educational, and overall well-being.

If you’re tired of experiencing roadblocks due to your criminal record, an expunction might be the answer for you. Sign up for a free background report from Easy Expunctions to see if we can help open a door of opportunities and put your criminal past behind you.

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