


If you have a drug charge on your record, you may feel like your opportunities are limited. Whether you’re applying for a job, housing, higher education, or seeking to qualify for loans or professional licenses, a drug charge can function like a moat that’s meant to keep you from your desired destination. It’s something that remains in the back of your mind, something you wish could go away with the snap of your fingers. Fortunately, you can see if you meet the eligibility requirements to get your drug offense expunged. Although the chance of successfully getting a drug charge expunged is based on the individual’s specific charge, sentence, elapsed time since the charge, and state laws, the benefits of expungement are always worth a shot. 

Over 80% of employers run background checks on potential employees, and most of them will reject a former drug offender without any consideration. Former drug offenders are not allowed to work with children, in medicine, or as public officers, and many industries will turn their back on a potential employee with anything at all on their criminal record. Luckily, having a drug offense expunged means you can legally tell an employer or interviewer that you have never been arrested, accused, or charged with a crime. Since employers are not allowed to ask about an expunged conviction, your drug charge can never be used against you once cleared from your record. An expungement also allows you to check off “no” regarding criminal record questions on housing applications. 

Not only will an expungement showcase your seriousness about living a healthy lifestyle, you will no longer endure the stigma associated with being convicted of a drug charge, and people will treat you like the trustworthy, reliable person that you are.  With greater housing, work, and educational opportunities, the most logical thing a former drug offender can do is get the charge expunged. 

If you’ve been considering an expunction but don’t know where to start, we can get you on track to a clean record. Reach out to Easy Expunctions today and we can discuss your options! 

Mistakes happen. Many people have gotten themselves into trouble at some point in time, but that doesn’t mean they deserve to be treated like they are a danger to society. The fact remains that certain criminal charges can change the entire course of your life. A criminal record often serves as a barrier, limiting an individual’s employment, educational, and housing opportunities forever. The severity of the “trouble” determines its impact. In Texas, some convictions can be expunged, or cleared from your criminal record.

However, certain criminal offenses cannot be expunged. These offenses include but are not limited to:

  • Sex crimes
  • Aggravated kidnapping
  • Murder
  • Human trafficking
  • Child endangerment
  • Family violence crimes
  • Stalking

The state of Texas does not allow these kinds of convictions to be expunged from a criminal record, with very few exceptions for minors. Violent, sexual, and child endangerment crimes will show up on a background check for public safety purposes. These types of crimes can’t be hidden because it’s not in the interest of society to remove them from criminal records; in general, offenses that involve children, sexual assault, and violence will stay on your record forever. DWIs are also ineligible for expunction–although they will fall off your DMV record after seven years, they’ll remain on your criminal record.

If your conviction isn’t shown on the list above, and you’re interested in removing it from your criminal record, you can see if you’re eligible for an expunction at easyexpunctions.com.