A new bill that would amend the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) has been sent to Governor J.B. Pritzker to sign into law. Under Illinois’ current “Ban the Box” law, an employer may not consider an applicant’s criminal history when making any employment-related decisions. If Senate Bill 1480 is signed into law, an employer’s failure to abide would result in a civil rights violation, unless there is a “substantial relationship” between the offense and the position, or if the offense poses an “unreasonable risk” to property or public safety. In that case, SB 1480 would require employers to consider factors such as the length of time since the conviction, the nature and severity of the conviction, the facts or circumstances surrounding the conviction, the age of the employee at the time of the conviction, and evidence of rehabilitation efforts.

SB 1480 would require greater measures to ensure that individuals with past convictions are given a fair shot at rebuilding their life. Employers have discriminated against individuals with criminal records since the beginning of time. The evolution of new laws, including the legalization of cannabis in many states, does not guarantee expunction. In fact, many citizens are still suffering the consequences of minor offenses. With SB 1480, an employer must be reasonable when considering a candidate for employment, allowing for greater equality of opportunity for Illinois citizens.

If your criminal record has cost you a job, a license, or a stable place to live, it’s time to take action. Contact Easy Expunctions today at (877) 784-0213 to start your journey towards a clean criminal record.

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