If you have an arrest or conviction, you know that a background check can be a very significant barrier to gaining employment. Getting back into the workforce is hard when employers discriminate against those who have had run-ins with the law. While it isn’t necessarily illegal to work in these fields with a conviction, you can be barred if the crime is related to the job. The following industries will be particularly hard to get into if you’re carrying around a criminal record:

1.     Child Care/Teaching

A criminal conviction will probably bar you from any teaching job, especially if your offense involves violence. People are understandably picky about who they allow to watch their children, so employers will be on the lookout for anyone with a questionable history.  

2.     Law Enforcement

Government jobs always come with a lengthy screening process. Regardless of what level you’re trying for; you’ll need a clean record to get started in law enforcement. You definitely can’t work in security or law enforcement jobs that require you carry a weapon if you have any offense related to firearms.

3.     Finance

If there’s any whiff of theft or fraud on your background, banks or investment firms will almost certainly deny you for work. Any crimes involving money will also come up as a red flag and prevent you from getting your foot in the door within this industry.

4.     Health Care

The health care industry will often pass up on potential employees with certain convictions. They do this on the basis that healthcare jobs give you access to all kinds of sensitive information. It also exposes employees to drugs and pharmaceuticals, so anyone with a theft or drug abuse charge will likely be denied a position.

5.     Transportation

If you have a record for driving under the influence, it’ll be nearly impossible to secure a job that requires you to be behind the wheel often, or many positions in public transportation. You can’t drive for Uber or Lyft if they see a DUI on your background check.

If you feel that you’re a deserving candidate who has been denied one too many jobs, it might be time to consider what an expunction can do for your career. You don’t have to explore alternate career paths if you’re eligible for an expunction or non-disclosure—contact Easy Expunctions so we can help make your job hunt exponentially more successful. 

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