A major victory has taken place this year for Marijuana-involved Vermonters. The State’s Governor Phil Scott approved S.234 in October, a bill that will automatically expunge minor pot-related offenses from an individual’s criminal record by the end of 2021. The new law decriminalizes anything less than 2 ounces and allows individuals with previous marijuana charges to legally deny their record’s existence when applying for employment, housing, or a license, relieving thousands of the burden of their criminal record.

Marijuana is a thriving industry in legal states. The notion that people should continue to receive punishments for recreational marijuana use is absurd, as nearly half of the nation already voted to decriminalize it. Still, Marjuana is both illegal and criminalized in many states, often resulting in high fines and skewed sentences toward minorities. By automatically expunging minor pot-related offenses, Vermont is providing their residents with greater opportunities for equality and advancement. Hopefully other states will acknowledge the law’s benefits and follow in Vermont’s footsteps.

Everyone deserves to move forward. Free yourself from your criminal record with easy and affordable record-clearing packages from Easy Expunctions. Start your expunction process today by visiting our website at EasyExpunctions.com or contacting us at (877) 959-4083.

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