Another state seeks to put an end to our nation’s faulty drug policies. New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham recently signed two bills that will legalize recreational marijuana in the state, as well as expunge certain marijuana-related offenses. Under new laws, individuals 21+ are able to possess up to two ounces of marijuana, and newly legal cannabis-related offenses will be subject to automatic expungement.

The United States is running out of logical reasons for enforcing outdated Marijuana laws. Not only would legalization decrease crime rates, the cannabis industry currently drives mass amounts of profits in legal states. More importantly, the prohibition of cannabis makes it easier for law enforcers to disproportionately target minority communities, which contributes to devastating issues concerning systemic racism in America.

Individuals living in illegal states suffer unreasonable consequences for marijuana offenses, while dispensary owners in California, Colorado, etc. rake in millions for the same ‘crime.’ This nationwide inconsistency represents a deep unfairness amongst American citizens. Those facing limited employment and housing opportunities due to previous marijuana-related offenses suffer from only one mistake—being in the wrong state at the wrong time. New Mexico’s decision to automatically expunge newly legal cannabis-related charges provides deserving New Mexicans with greater opportunities and hope for a better future.

If a previous arrest or conviction is placing limits on your life, it’s time to take your future back into your own hands. Easy Expunctions offers a headache-free expunction process, without emptying your wallet. For more information regarding a clean criminal record, get in touch with us at (877) 795-3149 or visit our website at

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