In an attempt to reduce the stigma of a criminal record, Utah’s District Attorney Sim Gill signed two motions into law that allow over 12,300 Utahns to become eligible for expungements. The first motion will reduce Class B misdemeanors to Class C misdemeanors for over 7,600 cases. The second motion will reduce convictions for more than 6,200 cases by two steps: First, a third-degree felony will now become a Class B misdemeanor. Second, a Class A misdemeanor will now be reduced to a Class C misdemeanor.

It is evident that Utah’s criminal justice system is taking a step in the right direction by lessening certain convictions and allowing deserving citizens to contribute to their communities.

            At Easy Expunctions, we believe that those who do not pose a threat to society deserve a second chance. Instead of forcing those with criminal convictions to wear a scarlet letter years after their sentence was served, the state of Utah is now offering many of its citizens hope for a better future. By removing the obstacles that keep former offenders from pursuing their goals, more deserving people will be presented with greater job, housing, and educational opportunities. Those with criminal convictions will now have the chance to return to freedom and contribute to society, which ultimately promotes a better future for both the former offender and their community.

            A clear record empowers you. If you’ve already paid the price for your crime, your criminal record should not continue to affect the quality of your life. See if you’re eligible for clear and affordable record clearing at!

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