Keep your possession of marijuana arrest in the past; let Easy Expunctions help get on the path to a clear record.

Marijuana can be a harmless gateway drug. Marijuana’s ubiquity means that it is the cause of many arrests and citations in states where it is not legal. To some, marijuana is a safe and effective way to get high.

The legalization of marijuana in some states has created ambiguity for users. This grey area has increased possession of marijuana charge arrests. Many CBD oils and products still contain THC making them illegal.

Nine out of 10 marijuana arrests are for possession.

People of color face higher rates of arrest for possession of marijuana. This disenfranchisement means difficulty finding jobs, reduced housing, and denial of public benefits. If you would like to clear your criminal record and take back your life, Easy Expunctions is here for you.

If you have a lingering possession of marijuana charge on your criminal record, you may have some questions about the charge and its implications. Here are some commonly asked questions about possession of marijuana arrests in Texas.

Does a Possession of Marijuana Arrest ever go away?

No, possession of marijuana arrest never leaves your criminal record.

How do you get a Possession of Marijuana Arrest expunged in Texas?

If your possession of marijuana arrest is dismissed or if you are acquitted at trial, you are eligible to have your criminal record expunged.

What are the benefits of expunging a Possession of Marijuana Arrest?

There are several benefits to having your possession of marijuana expunged including better job opportunities, better access to housing, your gun ownership rights restored, and more.

How long does a Possession of Marijuana Arrest stay on your record?

Possession of marijuana arrest stays on your criminal record permanently.

Can I have my Possession of Marijuana Arrest Record Expunged?

There are several benefits to having your prostitution arrest expunged including better job opportunities, better access to housing, your gun ownership rights restored, and more.

Why Should I Have My Possession of Marijuana Arrest Expunged?

There are several benefits to having your possession of marijuana expunged including better job opportunities, better access to housing, your gun ownership rights restored, and more.

How much does it cost to Expunge my Possession of Marijuana Arrest?

Expunging your possession of marijuana arrest can easily cost thousands of dollars going through a traditional attorney. That’s why Easy Expunctions prides itself on having the most cost-effective process in the state of Texas.

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