Since the criminalization of cannabis possession and distribution in 1937, countless individuals have been imprisoned, fined, and otherwise harshly punished for minor cannabis-related offenses. In 2018 alone, 663,000 individuals were arrested in connection to marijuana-related crimes, with Black Americans 3.6 times more likely to be arrested than white Americans. For years, many Americans have been advocating for the end of the racially-biased and nonsensical criminalization of marijuana.

Some politicians are attempting to raise awareness and address the super majority of Americans who support the decriminalization of cannabis. California Senator and Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris has come out in support of the MORE Act, which seeks to decriminalize cannabis. The MORE Act, if passed, would be a considerable step toward mending the damage that the criminalization of cannabis has caused.

The MORE Act seeks to completely deschedule cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). This would make cannabis similar to alcohol in legality. Furthermore, the MORE Act would facilitate federal expungements of cannabis-related crimes and incentivize similar expungements in state and local governments. Under this act, disabled veterans would be allowed medical marijuana and deportation would not be threatened against immigrants with minor marijuana violations.

The MORE Act would do more for local communities than alleviate legal concerns. Cannabis production and distribution, when done legally, could provide thousands of jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities for Americans. Opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs would be created through the MORE Act to aid Americans in taking advantage of these possibilities.

Americans should not continue to be punished for marijuana-related offenses in certain states while the decriminalization of marijuana is seriously being considered. Reach out to Easy Expunctions today to see how our experts can clean your record. We’ll get you started with a free background check and determine your eligibility for an expunction or nondisclosure. Get in touch with us today to reclaim your record.

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