Let’s hear it for Birmingham mayor Randall Woodfin, who has announced blanket pardons for over 15,000 Alabamians. The pardons will be applied to misdemeanor marijuana convictions dating back to 1990 and will serve to free these individuals from the limitations that come with a criminal record.

In 2019, Woodfin created his Pardons for Progress program, which he hoped would make it easier for those who have been convicted of marijuana possession to find legitimate employment without the stigma of a criminal record. Woodfin has made meaningful progress towards that goal with his new pardons. Speaking about those affected by criminal records, he noted:

“They deserve a chance to be part of our workforce, to provide for their families, and to achieve success on their own. That new life starts rights here, today, with forgiveness and redemption.”

Though marijuana is still illegal in Alabama, Woodfin has continuously pushed for recreational legalization. His campaign website currently hosts a petition asking the state government for decriminalization. A bipartisan bill allowing for medical marijuana is currently in the Alabama legislature.

We applaud Mayor Woodfin for his work in helping Alabamians receive a second chance. If you think you could benefit from a clean record, we’re here to help. Reach out to Easy Expunctions and get started with a background report to help us determine what shows up on your record, and what could be erased with our software. It’s never too late for a fresh start, and we’re here to help make it happen.

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