As a parent, you’ve inevitably witnessed your child make numerous mistakes, some being more serious than others. Certain mistakes can be left on your child’s record permanently, which will ultimately lead them to a life full of restrictions and hardships unless steps are taken to have these mistakes expunged from their juvenile or adult criminal record.

Even if your child was found not guilty or if the charges were dismissed, their arrest may still be available to the public. This means that your child’s mistake, regardless of conviction, can place a limit on their life forever.

An expungement is the process of having information on a criminal record erased or sealed from the public. Without one, your child’s criminal record will appear on background checks, and over 80% of employers run background checks on all applicants.  If eligible, following through with the expungement will provide your child with greater job, housing, loan, and educational opportunities in the future.

The best advice we can give is for you to discover if your child’s criminal record is eligible for an expunction because once the mistake is expunged from their record, it cannot be used against them. Nothing should hold your child back from pursuing their dreams, and a clean criminal record is the best way to give them the greatest chance at success.

Start by having your child sign up for a free background report from Easy Expunctions. We can pinpoint what exactly is on their criminal record and whether or not it’s eligible to be removed. Using our online software will save you thousands of dollars, and will save your child from the lifelong hardships of a criminal record. Call us at 866-899-0266 to get started.

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