The state of Philadelphia rang in the year with a new, much-needed policy: city employers are no longer allowed to force prospective employees to submit a drug test for marijuana. Not only will this improve the talent pool, but it will give deserving citizens a fair chance at pursuing their life of choice.

As more and more states legalize marijuana, it’s harder to justify any reasoning behind required drug tests for marijuana. In legal states, cannabis should be placed in the same category as alcohol. Yet, people are frequently automatically disqualified from potential jobs due to a personal decision to use the substance recreationally. Now, cannabis users of Philadelphia can feel at ease knowing it won’t cost them their future.

The law excludes certain professions such as law enforcement positions, commercial driving positions, and any job that poses a significant impact on the health and safety of others, including positions that work with children, medical patients, and other vulnerable individuals. If marijuana-use outside of work doesn’t directly impact the safety of others, Philadelphians are legally allowed to keep their decisions involving cannabis private.

If you’re living with a cannabis charge on your criminal record, our record-clearing experts at Easy Expunctions are here to help. For more information about a lawyer-free expunction process, give us a call at (866) 775-9983 or visit our website at

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