As more and more states make efforts towards marijuana legalization, it’s important to pay special attention to communities that have been disproportionately harmed by prohibition in the past. Pennsylvania recently introduced a legalization bill that features a particular emphasis on social equity.
The proposal would make it legal for adults 21+ to purchase and keep up to one ounce of marijuana. Additionally, people could get a permit to grow three plants at home. Most importantly, the bill would have past marijuana convictions automatically expunged, and those who are currently serving prison time for marijuana would be released.
Now, for the social equity features: of the 13% excise tax, 15% of revenue would go towards community reinvestment and another 15% towards substance misuse treatment programs. Additionally, those who belong to minority communities would receive the highest priority for business licenses.
Bill sponsor Rep. Dan Frankel noted the following:
“This is a piece of legislation that’s been worked on by many staff at the Democratic caucus, worked with advocates, looked at models from other states and I think it’s really a great piece of legislation that I think will hopefully galvanize a conversation to finally deal with it,” Frankel said. “Now we all know the terrible history of the criminalization of cannabis—mass incarceration for people of color, as well as harmful ramifications for people’s ability to get jobs, education or loans… The most important part of this legislation seeks to repair some of the damage caused by generations of harmful policy in this area.”
The bill may see a promising future, as a recent survey found that 58% of residents favor ending cannabis prohibition. We hope the state follows in the footsteps of some of its Northeastern neighbors in this regard.
If you have a dates marijuana charge on your record that is getting in the way of getting your dream job or home, we can help. Reach out to the experts at Easy Expunctions to see if we can scrub your record clean and get you on the path towards a fresh start!