In a recent interview with a local news station, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D) vowed to spend his final year in office getting as many people possible to apply for marijuana expunctions.

“This is a plant that’s legal in many jurisdictions across America, and it’s not a big deal, but you go through your life in many cases a convicted felon, and that excludes you from a lot of opportunities. So I developed an expedited review process that I encourage everybody to partake in.”

He noted that there are roughly 20,000 marijuana-related cases, and many of those are eligible to be cleared. It’s worth noting that medical use in Pennsylvania was legalized in 2016, and there’s a current bipartisan legalization bill in the works. Lt. Gov. John Fetterman continued promoting his expedited petition program to hopefully bring a second chance to those who are having a hard time finding work or housing due to a marijuana charge:

“If you’ve got some stupid charge like that on your record, it doesn’t cost anything to apply, and we can get that off your permanent record. I don’t care how conservative or how liberal you are politically. I don’t think we as a society should be really damaging people’s future for consuming a plant that is now legal in many jurisdictions—and soon will be in Pennsylvania.”

People with non-violent marijuana convictions in Pennsylvania can apply for free on the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons website. Applicants don’t need an attorney, and they have about a year to take advantage of the program.

If you’re in an illegal state and your marijuana charge is getting in the way of your future prospects, reach out to the experts at Easy Expunctions. We specialize in fast, affordable, and 100% online expunctions that can get you on the path towards a fresh start!

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