The court system has a history of valuing money over deservingness. Expensive court fees and fines add up quickly, which places low-income Americans at a greater likelihood of poverty than expunction. A criminal record places barriers on housing, jobs, and licensing opportunities, making the path to a fresh start only possible for people who have the finances to pay off all court debts and fees.
A new report titled “The High Cost of a Fresh Start” addresses the uneven playing field between financially stable individuals with criminal records and those who lack the funds to pay off their court debt. State laws that place late fees and interest charges on individuals with unpaid court debt practically destroy the option of a second chance for low-income citizens with a criminal record. An unpaid fine or fee should not result in a life sentence in poverty. The executive director of CCRC, Margaret Love, expresses her dismay toward unfair state laws within the court system:
“Criminal record clearing must not be reserved only for those who can easily pay for it…States should ensure people are not being priced out of a chance at a fresh start.”
Income is not the only clear division in our court system. Black and Brown communities are at higher risks of incarceration than white communities, which keeps them in a vicious cycle of poverty, homelessness, and incarceration. If a clear record is the path to success, we must make it achievable for all Americans, not just for some. If fairness and equality aren’t demonstrated within our justice system, where can we expect to find it?
A clear record empowers you, and our goal is to make the path toward success simple and accessible. Stop worrying about expensive lawyer fees and contact our record-clearing experts at Easy Expunctions. Give us a call at (866) 775-998 or visit our website at to learn more.