More and more states are getting with the times, at least when it comes to cannabis. Montana state officials are working to create a drug court that deals primarily with the expungement of criminal charges for marijuana-related offenses, a notion that could relieve thousands of deserving Montanans from the burden of their criminal record.

The state previously passed a bill allowing for recreational cannabis sales, which forced state officials to acknowledge the unreasonable consequences faced by those carrying marijuana-related charges on their criminal records. Due to the millions of dollars accumulated from marijuana sales, the same bill also allows for the expungement or resentencing of cannabis-related crimes, a notion that must be implemented to establish a level playing field for both those benefiting from cannabis and those suffering from a cannabis-related offense.

Montana officials are adopting “plain language” rules to make it easier for individuals to successfully work through the expungement process, according to State Supreme Court Administrator Beth Mclaughlin. Her statement addressing the reasoning behind the new rule follows:

“If somebody comes into court and they’re petitioning the court to do something and they don’t know exactly what the statute requires them to ask for, it’s going to take more of the judge’s time, and it’s just going to clog things up even more”

If you’re living with the consequences of a previous conviction, our record-clearing experts at Easy Expunctions can wipe your record clean without the headache and hassle of hiring a lawyer. For more information about an easy and affordable record-clearing process, give us a call at (866) 775-9983 or visit our website at

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