With the highest filing fees in the country, it is not surprising that 80% of Louisianans with criminal records eligible for expungement do not take advantage of it. Those fortunate enough to afford the payment of $550 per arrest or conviction may lose the nonrefundable fee during the complicated expungement process. Many hire attorneys to help, adding more costs to the already heavy financial burden.

The Louisiana House Bill 604 aimed to address issues in the state’s expungement process. Instead of having the burden fall on expungement seekers, the state would automatically clear criminal records that meet the requirements for eligibility after waiting periods already specified in the new law. Despite a two-year effort to put together House Bill 604 and support from many lawmakers, the Louisiana Senate Finance Committee placed the measure on hold before voting.

Opposition from the State Police was the primary reason the bill did not advance. The agency insisted an automated expungement system would be too costly for the Legislature’s budget. Citing financial concerns was not the only instance of the State Police expressing resistance to the proposed expungement plan. Last fall, State Police failed to supply requested data to an expungement task force and Code for America, a nonprofit offering to assist with the technology component of implementing the automated criminal record clearing system.

Although many agree a reformed expunging process would be pricey, next year’s budget with an estimated $17 million in unallocated funding could have easily absorbed the entire cost. Louisiana is one of the most incarcerated states in the country. Creating a more affordable and accessible expungement law in the state could help thousands of Louisiana residents remove criminal records that prevent them from pursuing education, finding housing, and higher-paying jobs.

Criminal records can be a life sentence for many. Easy Expunctions offers easy and affordable record clearing so you can enjoy life with a newfound freedom. Sign up to receive a free background report at easyexpunctions.com to get the ball rolling toward your fresh start!

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