Colorado has long been at the forefront of marijuana decriminalization within the United States. And now, they’ve taken yet another step towards the future as Governor Jared Polis announced that he granted an additional 1,351 pardons for convictions of possession.

The pardons come alongside a new law that increased the possession limit. The new two-ounce limit law was signed in May, during which time Gov. Polis instructed law enforcement to identify people with prior convictions who are now eligible for relief. In a press release, he noted the following:

“Adults can legally possess marijuana in Colorado, just as they can beer or wine. It’s unfair that 1,351 additional Coloradans had permanent blemishes on their record that interfered with employment, credit, and gun ownership, but today we have fixed that by pardoning their possession of small amounts of marijuana that occurred during the failed prohibition era.”

Gov. Polis is doing proactive work with the pardons—merely being eligible for expunctions isn’t always enough, as many people don’t have the time or means to apply and go forward with the expunction process. By pardoning these convictions, he has removed a real barrier for 1,351 people who will now have one less obstacle in their way when applying for work or housing.

If you’re tired of disclosing your marijuana arrest or conviction, reach out to the friendly professionals at Easy Expunctions. If your record doesn’t need to be there, we can wipe it from court records for far less cost than a traditional lawyer. Call us today to get started towards your new start with a clean criminal history: (877) 890-5081

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