Study Finds Legal States Have Fewer Vape-Related Lung Injuries 

It’s no surprise that vape-related lung injuries have become more common since the rise of e-cigarettes. However, studies show that legal marijuana states are seeing fewer vape-related lung injuries than states where marijuana is banned. How are vape injuries related to the legalization of marijuana? Since marijuana charges can result in heavy fines, and in some cases even jail time, many cannabis users have made the switch to THC liquids. These smokeless e-liquids are far less pungent, which ultimately decreases the chance of getting caught. Although THC e-liquids may seem like a safety net for cannabis users, the risk of contamination is much higher in illegal states. 

When regulated, THC liquids pose little to no threat. When obtained illegally, these counterfeit vape pens can contain harmful substances like vitamin E and butane. These black-market ingredients are sending an increasing amount of people to hospitals. If all states legalized marijuana, there would be better regulations of all THC products, including e-liquids. Not only would this reduce the danger of contamination in marijuana products, it would put less Americans at risk of unnecessary, and quite frankly, unjust incarceration. With that being said, marijuana legalization would help end the drug war that notoriously targets minorities and keeps many in a vicious cycle of unemployment, poverty, and homelessness.

We understand that marijuana charges are outdated and unfair. If you have a marijuana charge that’s getting in the way of you finding a job or a home, Easy Expunctions can help! Visit or give us a call at (877) 884-2481 for more information. 

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