If your previous prostitution arrest is keeping you from living your best life, Easy Expunctions can help.

Prostitution is the solicitation of sexual acts for money, goods, or services. Prostitution is not a charge limited to women; men can also fall into prostitution. While some prostitutes are costly personal escorts, many prostitutes are disenfranchised, poor, mentally ill, and dealing with substance abuse. LGBTQ+ homeless youths are at risk of falling into prostitution to find income.

Every year in the U.S., between 70,000 and 80,000 people are arrested for prostitution, costing taxpayers approximately $200 million.

A prostitution arrest on your criminal record can be a humiliating reminder of the past. Your prostitution arrest can limit your housing options and reduce your employment opportunities. If you would like to clear your record and forge a clear path to a clear record, let Easy Expunctions help.

If you have been arrested for prostitution, the charge can stay on your criminal record long after your charges have been settled. Here are some common questions answered about a prostitution charge in Texas.

Does a Prostitution Arrest ever go away?

No, in almost prostitution arrests. There are only exceptions if you were a minor at the time of the prostitution arrest or were a victim of the human sex trafficking trade.

What are the benefits of expunging a Prostitution Arrest?

There are several benefits to having your prostitution arrest expunged including better job opportunities, better access to housing, your gun ownership rights restored, and more.

How long does a Prostitution Arrest stay on your record?

Unless the person in question is a minor and/or a victim of sex trafficking: no, a prostitution arrest will never go away.

Can I have my Prostitution Arrest Record Expunged?

If you were acquitted of your prostitution arrest or your arrest was dismissed, you are eligible for expunction.

Why Should I have my Prostitution Arrest Expunged?

There are several benefits to having your prostitution arrest expunged including better job opportunities, better access to housing, your gun ownership rights restored, and more.

How much does it cost to Expunge my Prostitution Arrest?

Expunging your prostitution arrest can easily cost thousands of dollars going through a traditional attorney. That’s why Easy Expunctions prides itself on having the most cost-effective process in the state of Texas.

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