
Coronavirus Loans


Just when you thought your past was behind you, it finds a way to sneak up on you during this worldwide pandemic crisis. People are losing their jobs, companies are running out of money, and local mom and pop shops are closing around the world. And now, the United States government has found a new way to discriminate against those with criminal records: Small business owners who have criminal records will not qualify for emergency coronavirus loans, something many business owners are counting on during these hard times.

New regulations for accessing emergency funds, issued by the Small Business Administration, directly prohibit small-business owners who have criminal records from accessing these extremely crucial loans. Punishing those employed by someone with a criminal record just isn’t right, as the emergency loan money is meant to help compensate for lost wages among other things that directly affect employees. Moreover, why is someone who is actively contributing to the economy with their own business not worthy of a loan because of a prior brush with the criminal justice system?

Keep in mind that many people actually start their own businesses because a prior conviction prevents them from being hired elsewhere. Now their employees are being punished for a mistake they may or may not have made. This is a blatant measure to keep the emergency fund money away from those with criminal convictions as if they are second class citizens. These people are creating jobs for others and helping the economy flourish; why should they be treated differently during the pandemic?

If you’re tired of running into roadblocks because of your criminal record, Easy Expunctions may be able to help you! Our affordable record clearing packages can get you closer to the success you want to obtain professionally. Our experts work directly with you in assessing qualifying charges available for expunctions and sealings. Don’t let an old mistake cost you any more business—Easy Expunctions is here to help.